Program Chairs

Helge Rhodin
University of British Columbia

Hsiu-Chin Lin
McGill University
Award Committee Members
Michael Jenkin, York University
Steven Waslander, University of Toronto
Hsiu-Chin Lin, McGill University
Helge Rhodin, University of British Columbia
Program Committee Members
Alexander Ferworn, Ryerson University
Alvaro Uribe Quevedo, University of Ontario Institute of Techchnology
Amin Soleimani Abyaneh, McGill University
Angel Chang, Simon Fraser University
Bastian Wandt, University of British Columbia
Carlos Vazquez, École de technologie supérieure
Chunjin Song, University of British Columbia
Cunjian Chen, Michigan State University
Dan Casas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
David Clausi, University of Waterloo
David Meger, McGill University
Elham Daneshmand, McGill University
Fahim Manna, Algolux
Florian Shkurti, University of Toronto
Graham Taylor, University of Guelph
Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Polytechnique Montréal
Hughes Perreault, Polytechnique Montréal
Hui-Lee Ooi, Polytechnique Montreal
Isinsu Katircioglu, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Jack Collier, DRDC Suffield
James Clark, McGill University
James Elder, York University
Jan Bednarik, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Jean-Francois Lalonde, Université Laval
Jim Little, University of British Columbia
Jochen Lang, University of Ottawa
John Zelek, University of Waterloo
Jungseok Hong, University of Minnesota
Kaleem Siddiqi, McGill University
Krista Ehinger, University of Melbourne
Kwang Moo Yi, University of British Columbia
Leonid Sigal, University of British Columbia
Liam Paull, Université de Montréal
Marc Habermann, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Martin Jagersand, University of Alberta
Michael Brown, York University
Michael Fulton, University of Minnesota
Michael Greenspan, Queen's University
Michael Langer, McGill University
Michaël Clément, Bordeaux INP
Mohamed Shehata, Memorial University
Mohand Said Allili, Universite du Quebec en Outaoauis
Paritosh Parmar, University of British Columbia
Philippe Giguère, Laval University
Robert Allison, York University
Robert Bergevin, Universite Laval
Ruisheng Wang, University of Calgary
Sajad Saeedi, Ryerson University
Sandeep Manjanna, University of Pennsylvania
Scott McCloskey, Kitware
Sena Kiciroglu, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Shih-Yang Su, University of British Columbia
Steven Waslander, University of Toronto
Toews Matthew, École de technologie supérieure
Travis Manderson, McGill University
Vida Movahedi, Seneca College
Xingzhe He, University of British Columbia
Yang Wang, University of Manitoba
Yijun Xiao, Astroscale Ltd
Alvaro Uribe Quevedo, University of Ontario Institute of Techchnology
Amin Soleimani Abyaneh, McGill University
Angel Chang, Simon Fraser University
Bastian Wandt, University of British Columbia
Carlos Vazquez, École de technologie supérieure
Chunjin Song, University of British Columbia
Cunjian Chen, Michigan State University
Dan Casas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
David Clausi, University of Waterloo
David Meger, McGill University
Elham Daneshmand, McGill University
Fahim Manna, Algolux
Florian Shkurti, University of Toronto
Graham Taylor, University of Guelph
Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Polytechnique Montréal
Hughes Perreault, Polytechnique Montréal
Hui-Lee Ooi, Polytechnique Montreal
Isinsu Katircioglu, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Jack Collier, DRDC Suffield
James Clark, McGill University
James Elder, York University
Jan Bednarik, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Jean-Francois Lalonde, Université Laval
Jim Little, University of British Columbia
Jochen Lang, University of Ottawa
John Zelek, University of Waterloo
Jungseok Hong, University of Minnesota
Kaleem Siddiqi, McGill University
Krista Ehinger, University of Melbourne
Kwang Moo Yi, University of British Columbia
Leonid Sigal, University of British Columbia
Liam Paull, Université de Montréal
Marc Habermann, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Martin Jagersand, University of Alberta
Michael Brown, York University
Michael Fulton, University of Minnesota
Michael Greenspan, Queen's University
Michael Langer, McGill University
Michaël Clément, Bordeaux INP
Mohamed Shehata, Memorial University
Mohand Said Allili, Universite du Quebec en Outaoauis
Paritosh Parmar, University of British Columbia
Philippe Giguère, Laval University
Robert Allison, York University
Robert Bergevin, Universite Laval
Ruisheng Wang, University of Calgary
Sajad Saeedi, Ryerson University
Sandeep Manjanna, University of Pennsylvania
Scott McCloskey, Kitware
Sena Kiciroglu, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Shih-Yang Su, University of British Columbia
Steven Waslander, University of Toronto
Toews Matthew, École de technologie supérieure
Travis Manderson, McGill University
Vida Movahedi, Seneca College
Xingzhe He, University of British Columbia
Yang Wang, University of Manitoba
Yijun Xiao, Astroscale Ltd